Choose a payment method

When you create an account on Viaplay, you must add a payment card. It can be either a VISA or a Mastercard. A payment method must be added on the account even though you are starting a subscription with a voucher. This is due to our studio rights and to confirm your country of residence.

If you have a voucher, your discount will be applied as soon as you fill in the code and activate/use it. Always check the sum in your order before placing it, to make sure the code has been correctly applied.

Are you experiencing issues with registering your card?
When a card is for some reason not accepted, you will get an error message telling you that. The reason behind the card not getting accepted could be one of the following:

  • The card is not a Visa or a Mastercard
  • The card is not granted by an Icelandic bank
  • If you are trying to register the card on a mobile device, try using a computer. If you’re already using a computer, try another browser.
  • For Visa-cards you must have “verified by VISA” activated, alternatively MasterCard Secure Code for Mastercards. Contact your bank, or check your internet bank if you’re unsure.
  • Internet purchases are denied on the card. Contact your bank, or check your internet bank for these settings.
  • There are no sufficient funds on the card. Even though you start a free trial/subscription with a voucher, you will still need to have at least 1 kr on the account to be able to check your card. This check will be shown as a reservation and is automatically revoked once the check is complete.
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